Aiken Christian Church is located at 126 Dominion Drive Suite 1020 Aiken Sc 29803 in the Cornerstone Shopping Center right off of Whiskey Rd. next door to Miranchos.
We broadcast Sunday Messages live on Facebook each week so you can join us there too! The approximate time of broadcast varies but it is around 11am-11:10am
From this website you can view recordings of weekly messages which are updated each week.
Soren McMillan leads our classes with great knowledge & insight expounding on the Bible for our spiritual growth. Other gifted teachers like Ron & Judy Jernigan, & Faye Patrick fill in as well.
Pastor Keith leads worship with assistance from Soren with music, Communion, & occasionally preaching. Diane Maury also assists on piano & organ. Our Elders & deacons play a big role in our worship service each week & We also have weekly scripture readers like Sharon Cato participate.
First Sundays of each month we gather & share a meal together after morning worship. It is a special time always with plenty of good food. Everyone is always welcomed to our dinner as there is always plenty!
Pastor Keith & Gail open their home each week for a time of food, fun & fellowship. We share an evening meal, enjoy good fellowship & top it off with singing, praying & an open discussion Bible study.
Chaplain Ron Morse leads a Biblical addiction program that has set people free in & out of jail! He conducts this outside program here in our church with our full support!
Journey Community Church-Sherwood
3131 Old Louisville Road
Augusta Ga 30906
Tuesdays 6:30pm-8pm
Christway Christian Church
4004 Prescott Drive
Martinez. Ga 30907
Mondays 6::30pm-8pm
We celebrate completing 11 years as a church & starting year 12!
Guest Speaker:
Pastor Ken McDonald
Meal afterwards